The Webmaster of WeirdDeere

That is me-driving our old D.
You can see some of my family's tractors, here.
My name is Brandon Knapp. I live in Wellington, Ohio.
I have quite a few hobbies...I mess with the old tractors, but my first major hobby is the study of World War Two. I mainly focus on the aircraft (mostly American, British, and German). My favorite aircraft is the Boeing B-17. It is one of the most famous aircraft of the War, but I am drawn to it by its sheer toughness, its "beauty" (compare it to a tractor!!!), and the bravery of its crews. Studying aircraft has also led me to build models of them, and I'm getting good (I'm trying not to gloat). I've won first place all three times I entered the Lorain County Fair with an aircraft model, though, no B-17s, yet. They are too big!
I also paint and draw a little, you can some examples, here. Included is one of my models. Some of the (so called) art IS tractor related!
I also have spread a couple dumb jokes through the website-the results of my inherited sense of humor. Don't waste your time looking for them-they aren't any good. If you want to see something really interesting, look here. It is a page about the time a friend of mine ROLLED his tractor!
Why did I make this website?
It all started when we found out that my grandfather's John Deere D, was actually a DI. I began searching for information about grandpa's DI, and I realized that there was not a lot out there about the DI. While researching, I also collected information about the AI and BI. The three are often connected.
I began to use the internet, at my local library. A little more industrial information, but still not alot. Just a couple years ago, we got our own computer. I loved it! There were few limits on the amount of time I could spend on the internet, unlike the library. I used my "Night Owl" ability (I stay up late, sometimes VERY late) on the weekends to keep searching both tractors, and planes.
I got tired of seeing almost nothing on the internet about the industrial John Deeres. I decided to change that. This website is the product of my research. It started with three pages about the AI, BI, and DI. It included two pictures. Then I got bored and added the LI and MI, with much help from viewers of the page. Recently, I have started into the "Numbered Series" as I call them. I had not even thought of including them, at first. I figured the "Letter Series" would be more than enough.
Now, for reasons I can't understand, I am including the New Generation industrial tractors. I didn't see that coming!
I am glad to help anyone with questions about these "freaks" made by Deere. I am proud to have the only website dedicated to the Industrial John Deeres (I haven't seen any...), and I don't plan on stopping with the updates anytime soon. (If ever!)
How can you contact me?
Email me at
If that doesn't work, post something on the
YTmag John Deere discussion board, or the JohnnyPopper board.
If that doesn't work, I hope I'm still alive...
Note: It may take a week or so for me to respond to an email. If I don't respond in a week, try again. I probably just forgot your message.
Now that you have learned everything you didn't want to know about me, go back to the WeirdDeere index
Or the FAQ page